Opening Your Heart
Opening The Heart "When your heart gets broken, you want to contract. But you do the opposite. You must expand your heart and open it more. And your heart may break many times in your life, and you just keep opening it even more." Beautiful and heart-felt words of...
Lucky Charms
A glass blue bird, some beautiful crystals, mini owl kachina, and little piggy sit on the window sill as guardians of inspiration. All made from glass, rock, and metal. I love these talisman treasures, small and full of light. ~ Totems and talismans, when chosen and...
Innate Strength
Thinking for ourselves. Listening to our bodies. Moving our bodies, consuming healthy foods and liquids. Reading labels and educating ourselves. Allowing ourselves to feel and be. Praising ourselves, others, and life. Nourishing ourselves through relaxation and...
Relax Inside
Don't fret about the little details or even the day to day thoughts and emotions. Surrender to your path and who you are deep inside. Open to your gifts. Your gifts will show you the way. And if you don't know what your path is, or how to receive or use your gifts,...
Receptivity. Receiving. Allowing. Being. I've had to take a few steps back the past few days, to cease giving, striving, trying to know it all and get it all done. After an acupuncture treatment and time spent with a friend, I was reminded once again of the beauty and...
A Revolutionary Act
It's been said that self-care and self-love are fluffy, even selfish. And in these potent times on the planet, with local and global issues hitting the edge, it seems trivial to talk about love. But in a time of fear and information overload, love is a revolutionary...
Our Primal Power
No matter what happens, we have our inner primal power. An energetic base to work with. Our inner, primal power comes just from remembering the fact that we are humans, part of this planet- the people, stars, plants, and animals. Our spirit bodies never really die....
Your Authentic Spirit
"When we have an overload of television programming, internet information, social media, entertainment and news, we become distracted from connecting with our own authentic spirit. When we tune in to self-care and actualize it in our daily lives we create strength,...
Love All Around
Cease giving time and attention to fear, perfection, drama, violence, and judging who's wrong and who's right. Give way less time to believing social media, t.v., and magazines of who's hot and who's not and begin the journey toward building yourself. This is a...
Information Overload
With so much information these days, what do we do? Yogi Bhajan, a well known yogi who came from the East to the West in the 1960's, said that in the Aquarian Age (which is now) there will be so much information streaming in that people won't know what to do...
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