Bringing In Beauty & Soul Connection



My name is Dena Carter. I’m a painter, restorative yoga guide, and author of “Loving Who You Are”.

I work within the realms of creativity and soul connection in 3 ways:


BEAUTIFY & EMBODY more of what you visualize for your life through one of my mini mood paintings or larger sizes for your mediation space, desk, or room.

Bring healing and realize your dreams through visual art. 

Imagine owning your own piece of art; something that feels so dreamy that you can feel the connection each time you walk by.

I create abstract gouache, watercolor, and acrylic paintings designed to inspire your heart; paintings in all sizes, originals and prints.

You can custom request specific colors, and the “feel” of a piece. Or you can choose a design that is already created.

Immerse yourself in abstract art that speaks to your soul; with symbolism and colorful patterns that feel rich,  dreamy.

You will see beauty in the artwork AND feel it within yourself, your home or meditative space.

Having art is not an extravagance, it’s one of the componants in wholistic living. 

Art can be a balm for the heart and the mystic part of you; a gateway to greater union of who you are now, a reflection of how you view life, or simply a beautiful piece to enjoy!

Visit my SHOP page to see more and purchase, or email me:


CALM AND REGULATE your nervous system through a restorative journey. Feel your body deeply relax. Let go of stress so you can experience peace of mind and rejuvenation. Receive visions for your life.

With 30 years of yoga personal practice and 20 years as a yoga teacher and healing guide, this is restorative yoga for your soul.

Beginners/all levels welcome. Private, group, retreats, special events. Email


CLEAR BLOCKS AND OVERWHELM. Receive on the spot help in sorting out a situation, body, spirit, mind or soul related. Find your way to the heart.

I love helping people through a soul-lens; personal, creative or professional. Receive ideas and insight so you can connect with your wisdom.

In our time together, there’s a “medicine bag” of possibilities waiting; creative techniques, symbolism and soul conversation to help you into your natural flow and clarity.

Working together is mystical and can be fun. You will leave with a-ha’s that you didn’t have before.

In the midst of life’s changes and stresses, it is VITAL for the heart and soul to connect, to be able to weave in new awareness and understanding. Self-care is never selfish, it is revolutionary and will always pave the way to greater connection with others.

These sessions are open to YOU, all creatives, healers, coaches, entrepreneurs, mothers. I look forward to meeting you!

To schedule a restorative yoga journey, a soul consult or purchase art go to my  SHOP PAGE  or  SCHEDULE HERE Questions? Email  Or find me  @spiritofselfcare


Dena Carter is a painter, yoga guide and author of “Loving Who You Are”. After graduating college with a graphic design degree, she began her journey as a freelance artist in Portland, Oregon. Later she moved to L.A. and established a greeting card company, Dloveleigh Designs.  Five years into her business, Dena experienced a radical change of heart, and channeled her creativity into writing/performing stand up comedy. After 3 years in comedy, another radical change beckoned her to come home to her soul. In 2003, Dena moved to Ashland, Or., where she immersed herself into the study and practice of mind-body-spirit wellness. She discovered how it helped heal her chronic depression and anxiety, and since then, has devoted her life to teaching self-care, self-love, and artistic self-expression.

Dena’s artwork and paintings meld with her eclectic background as a yoga teacher, energy healer, soul conversationalist and former stand-up comedian. As artist and modern day medicine-woman, she relies on her 30 year yoga/meditation practice, professional design background, unique healing abilities and heart-centered approach to create “spirit” art; as well as guiding others to understand and connect with their own quests and transformations in meaningful and fun ways. She lives in Arizona with her partner and their cat, Mr.P.


A Self-Care Guide To Nurture Your Body, Spirit, Mind