I love my life. I love who I’ve become. There were times when I did not think I would make it. And by that I mean, out-live my depression, anxiety and fearful thinking. At one point, I realized that my only real goal in life was to know if “true change was possible.” For me that meant.. could I break the chains of enslavement I felt from living with anxiety and doubt? Could I trust myself to do this?
I wanted to heal myself, my heart and my soul. I struggled for years (you wouldn’t have known it unless you were a family member or friend). Year after year, it became my goal to rise out of the trappings… social, tribal, familial, personal, emotional, physical, and mental so I could get to know who I was, underneath it all.
The true expressive self.
And even on my darkest days, somehow I hung in there with the hope that “true change was possible.” It became my mantra.
Another biggie for me was to naturally heal my anxiety and depression. So much of what I saw growing up included a pill. And tho I believe modern medicine is a blessing, I really wanted to know if I could heal naturally (along with expert help from others). It took years and many false starts but eventually, I did.
As I began to climb out of the chains, I began to experience what empowerment meant to me.
Freedom. Liberation. Self-Expression. Self-Value. Self-Care & Love.
Everything shifted.
I believe we are taught and conditioned to stay tame and obey a lot of false beliefs. We are mostly taught to act from fear rather than love and our unique self. Our innate power.
What is it in your life that you want most? What mantra is yours right now? What hurdle are you “training” to jump so you can feel the freedom on the other side? Don’t give up, love! I am living proof that “true change is possible.” Believe in yourself. Listen to your heart, your soul. No matter how messy it can be.
Today, I’m grateful for how far I’ve come and for how I get to help others understand their value, feel their worth, and connect with their soul.
Send me an email for self-care conversation, insight or guidance💗 bit.ly/freecarecall