Yaay!! Happy Anniversary to Loving Who You Are ~ published 1 year ago!
Keep desiring those things you have been desiring! Pursue and be patient with your passions. Whatever it is that lights you up, do more of it. Surround yourself with a journal, a vision board, books on tape, whatever tools it takes to support you in making steps forward with your gifts and toward your dreams. Like a seed that has been planted, check on your dreams each day, and determine whether it’s time to water it, trim it, set it in the sun, or sit back and admire. Give your dreams the attention they need so you can grow.
I want to share this wonderful email message-photo that arrived from a woman in California. I love it when I get messages like this! (This is the kind of stuff I live for and why I wrote the book.) This woman, a healer and visionary, is on a path of self-love. She wrote that before she sat down to read the book, she made a cup of tea and read her tea quote: “the purpose of life is to know yourself and love yourself and trust yourself and be yourself.”
Synchronicities are some of the very best things in life. They confirm and inspire our truths. They are connectors. My book, though I feel most anyone can gain something from it, is especially helpful if you’re an artist, healer, teacher, mother, or health-care practitioner. If you love to love, nurture, and connect, this book will remind you to always keep something very valuable in mind – YOU. In this time on the planet, more than ever, discovering your worth is more valuable than finding a pot of gold. Especially among the mountain of media distractions we face each day. Self-worth is where it’s at and I will begin to write and share about this more and more. Self-value.
I also want to say thank you. Thank you to all who have been in touch with me over this past year and to those of you who have been supporting the book and giving me your valuable feedback. Life is rich when we connect. I’m also excited to be sharing a new video soon, one from my book talk last October in the next email that’s coming soon.
Until then, keep creating in any way that is unique to you, in the way that IS you. Remember the gifts that you brought with you, when you came into this world. Re-invent or dust them off, but share them with those around you. Nurture and expose them to the light just a little more each day.
With great love & spirit ~ Dena
You can purchase my book by clicking here www.DenaLeighCarter.comĀ Follow me on Instagram at spiritofselfcare and on Facebook at DenaLeighCarter