A glass blue bird, some beautiful crystals, mini owl kachina, and little piggy sit on the window sill as guardians of inspiration. All made from glass, rock, and metal. I love these talisman treasures, small and full of light.
Totems and talismans, when chosen and arranged with intent, serve as reminders to help us stay focused on where we want to place our energies. They are mini declarations that help us tune-in to life’s vital energy, nudging us to keep the faith.
An ongoing self-care inspiration for me has been making and updating alters. If you haven’t done this or haven’t done it in awhile, try it. Create an alter or mini alter by adorning a desk, table, corner, or shelf with pieces that are meaningful to you and carry vibrations that encourage you to feel connected and express your spirit.
May you keep the faith in 2017 and keep creating and expressing who you are, in your own unique way.
With great love,
You can also purchase my new book, “Loving Who You Are, A Self Care Guide to Nurture Your Body, Spirit, Mind,” by clicking here. In 2017, this is one self-care essential to have by your side. ~“Gems of wisdom and love carefully distilled in under 50 pages. A self-care essential for lessening anxiety and nourishing yourself.”