Receptivity. Receiving. Allowing. Being. I’ve had to take a few steps back the past few days, to cease giving, striving, trying to know it all and get it all done. After an acupuncture treatment and time spent with a friend, I was reminded once again of the beauty and grace that is waiting to be embraced by receiving what my body and soul are feeling.

I know many women are craving to receive again. To embody this again. It’s how we are designed. The greatest strength and radiance of the feminine is in receiving. I’m talking about receiving life, energy, the moment, the breath, the beauty, the holy gift of the natural order of things. Letting life come her way, deeply breathing. No running, grasping, figuring things out, but by being in her power by receiving.

~Dena Leigh Carter is an author, artist, and yoga teacher. She is the author of “Loving Who You Are, A Self-Care Guide to Nurture Your Body, Spirit, Mind.”