I took this photo while visiting my partners family in beautiful Pacific Grove, California this fall. I love the ocean, so many treasures and insights can be found there.

I saw this seagull standing on top of a rock. Unlike crows, seagulls allow and encourage longer reflection and meditation time with them. Partly due to their nature and also because seagull medicine (totem) is mainly about emotional release and healing. Makes sense as they live by the water and water is symbolically associated with feelings and emotions.

Some soul challenges and tears came to surface during our visit. Laughter, music, hugs, and some gritty realizations too. Through witnessing others’ intense emotional feelings and experiences, it can become a mirror for self-reflection. A part of me, when I open and allow it, can relate and understand another. If I hold the mirror long enough to myself, I can even feel a familiar occupancy and similar fear threading through in my own life too.

One of Yogi Bhajan’s 5 Sutras for these challenging times is, “see the other person as you.” Self-reflection and mirroring can bring great (and sometimes painful) opportunity for awareness and growth. But with this, comes along an opening to b r e a t h e. To practice gratitude and self-care. To return to the ultimate landing: self-compassion. For it is only when we can breathe calmly and drop into self-compassion, that we can truly radiate compassion for others.

Just like the beautiful seagull by the sea.

With great spirit ~


P.S. If you enjoyed reading this, you might like my little book, “Loving Who You Are.” It’s all about self-care, self-nurture, and reducing anxiety in under 55 pages.