The Doorway To Opportunity

The Doorway To Opportunity

Amid the noise it can be difficult to locate the doorway of opportunity. And when we do, often the doorway to opportunity is different than what we thought it might be. A little more delicate or subtle than expected, or outright intense. Heartbreaking even....
Barnes & Noble & Loving Who You Are

Barnes & Noble & Loving Who You Are

I am thrilled! Thanks to @ingramsparkbooks, Loving Who You Are will be available for purchase all over the world. So now you can head over to Barnes & and easily purchase my book. And as always, you can order it Amazon too. Thank you Ingram, Barnes &...
To Cease Suffering

To Cease Suffering

I have not posted in awhile, as our beloved Mr.P was in and out of the hospital over a 10-day period. 😔 . He is doing better now and finally able to eat on his own! We are feeling grateful he is coming through the other side. What a challenge to experience our pet so...