He is doing better now and finally able to eat on his own! We are feeling grateful he is coming through the other side. What a challenge to experience our pet so ill! Stressful and scary.
At one point, ten days into it, 😩 I woke up very early in the morning to meditate and realized I had to totally surrender to it all and trust. To stop “holding” and worrying and flow with it. Even though I felt sad and heartbroken.
I’m learning that it is the resistance to the feelings we are experiencing that keep us in suffering mode. (And feeling drained.)
It is totally human to feel sadness, grief, and heartbreak. It is the “wishing it was different” tape that plays in the mind (over and over) that feels so impossible.
With resistance, there’s no real acceptance of what is actually happening. And no allowance. And this is the gap where suffering occurs and lives.
It is a practice to feel feelings as a human being! And no matter how uncomfortable, the key to less suffering is to feel the feelings, not fight them or go to the mind to try and “figure it out.”
It works to describe feelings, name them, and even own them for awhile until we are ready to cycle through them – to be willing to release them.
I’ve also learned that some things in life might never feel “complete,” but we can choose to accept that too, and embrace the “non-resolution” of it. Doing this creates a more loving vibration that we can actually work with.
Sending you love and healing energy for all healthy animals, people, and the planet. ❤️🐾🌎
With love and spirit!
Dena and Mr.P
Great news ~ In case you missed the one in May, I’ll be giving another “OPEN TO LOVE” Workshop in November! Just in time.. before Thanksgiving and all the holiday bustle. In this special 2 hr. workshop, you’ll receive your own bottle of RoseHeart Nurturing Oil to take home with you! Just reply to this email if you want more info and/or to reserve your spot:)